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  • Privacy Policy | ageet Corporation

    Privacy Policy About privacy policy ageet Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "our company") is a smartphone application provided by our company AGEphone / AGEphone Cloud / AGEphone Business / + Phone book / + Phone book Cloud / + Chat Cloud /+Times tamp Cloud (hereinafter "this application"). Regarding the handling of user information in (), we have established and announced the application privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") as follows. Please check this policy before installing this application and use this application after understanding the contents. In this policy, "user information" refers to information related to customer identification, behavior history on communication services, and other information generated, used, or accumulated in a form linked to the customer on the customer's smartphone. It means what we acquire based on this policy. In addition, among user information, those that fall under the personal information defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act") (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information"). In addition to the provisions of this policy, the following privacy policy regarding personal information separately determined by the Company applies, so please refer to it as well. ​ 1. Our name, etc. Name: ageet Co., Ltd. Address: 13-98 Shurishiki, Terado-cho, Muko-shi, Kyoto For contact information, please refer to 4. Inquiries below. ​ 2. User information to be acquired The user information acquired by this application is as follows. ​ (1) OS version, this application version (2) Advertising ID (3) Call service template number, number of calls, area of use (only if there is an area code) (4) Contact data (+Phonebook Cloud only if you select the function to synchronize to the cloud) (5) Device location information (only when using the WiFi access point restriction function on AGEphone) (6) Images on the device (only in cases where images have been added to +Phonebook Cloud) ​ 3. Purpose of use 3-1 User information may be used to provide the services of this application as stipulated in 3-2. 3-2 The specific purposes of using the user information related to the service provision of this application are as follows. ​ (1) To provide a call service using this application (2) To respond to information and inquiries regarding this application (3) To respond to acts that violate our terms, policies, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Terms, etc.") regarding this application. (4) To create statistical data processed into a format that cannot identify individuals in relation to our services. (5) For distribution or display of advertisements of our company or a third party (6) To view the contact data of the user himself / herself (7) To obtain WiFi SSID information only when the WiFi access point restriction function is enabled on the AGEphone (8) To enable the verification of contact images via the application or web interface in cases where images have been added to +Phonebook Cloud ​ 4. Inquiry window If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, or if you have any questions, complaints, or inquiries regarding the handling of personal information in this service, please contact us using this form . ​ 5. Privacy policy change procedure The Company shall review the operational status regarding the handling of user information as appropriate and strive for continuous improvement, and may change this policy as necessary. If there is a significant change, we will notify you by the method displayed at startup after updating the app. ​ [Established on February 1, 2017] [Partially revised on June 1, 2022] Article 2, Paragraph 4, Article 3, Paragraph 6, Article 5 [Partially revised on June 27, 2023] +Timestamp Cloud added. [Partially revised on November 8, 2023] Section 5 added under Article 2 and Section 7 added under Article 3 [Partially revised on March 28, 2024] Section 6 added under Article 2, and Section 8 added under Article 3 ​

  • サービス | SIP/VoIPコンサル | ageet Corporation

    Current and previous customers NTT東西による固定電話のIP網への移行(PSTNマイグレーション)は、2024年1月から開始され、翌年1月に移行が完了する予定で進められております。(詳細は「固定電話のIP網移行後のサービスについて」でWEB検索してください。) 弊社ではPSTNマイグレーションによりビジネスフォン(企業内線)の市場においては以下のような影響があると考えております。 IPネットワークへの移行は、既存のPBXシステムをIPベースのシステムに更新する必要性を企業にもたらす可能性がある。→ IP-PBXシステムや関連するハードウェア、ソフトウェアの需要が増加。 固定電話のIP網移行に伴い、多くの企業がクラウドベースの通信サービスに移行する意識が高まる。→ これは、オンプレミスのIP-PBXシステムよりも柔軟性とスケーラビリティが高いクラウドPBXサービスへの関心を高める。 音声コミュニケーション全体がIPネットワークを利用することで、設備コストの削減が期待される。 2025年に向けて、日本は公衆交換電話網(PSTN)をIPネットワークに完全移行させる計画を進めています。この大規模な変革は、国内通信インフラの老朽化を改善し、通信の質と効率を格段に向上させることを目指しています。 次世代通話品質へ IP化により、高品質な通話体験が実現します。G.711からG.722やOpusのような高度なオーディオコーデックへの移行は、よりクリアで自然な音声を提供し、通話品質を高めます。(AGEphone シリーズでは、これらすべてのコーデックに対応しています) コスト削減と効率化 データネットワークを通じた音声伝送は、従来の電話線を使用するよりもコスト効率が良く、運用の効率化が見込まれます。 社会的影響 遠隔医療や在宅勤務といった分野での通信品質の向上、災害時の通信確保など、社会全体に対してもポジティブな影響をもたらすことが期待されます。このPSTNのIP化は、日本の通信インフラを新しい時代へと導く重要なステップであり、より良い通話品質、多様なサービスの提供、そしてコスト削減の実現を通じて、国民生活の質の向上に寄与します。 ソリューションのご提案 ​ 機器構成編 A. クラウドPBXに集約する PBX機能を全てクラウド上に持ち、すべての端末はクラウド経由で通話を行います。このモデルは初期費用を抑えられ、月額費用もお手頃なサービスが多いです。一方、外線番号の扱いには制約があり、既存の代表番号がそのまま使えないサービスも多いのが現実です。 ​一般的には050番号を使ったサービスが主流になっています。 事例のご紹介 B. オンプレミスのPBXに集約 PBX機能を全てローカルネットワーク上に持ち、すべての端末はオンプレミスのPBX経由で通話を行います。このモデルは買い切りで、月額費用が発生しない(保守費や付加サービスを除く)ものが多く、外線番号は既存の会社の代表番号をそのまま使えるというメリットがあるものが多いです。一方外出先からの利用は、社内のネットワーク内でNAT設定やファイアーウォール等の設定を実施する必要があります。 もっと詳しく C. 閉域オンプレミスのPBX PBX機能を全てローカルネットワーク上に持ち、すべての端末は内線のみの通話になります。閉じられた環境下での利用となりますので、ホテルや病院など特殊な施設で利用されている実績があります。なお、スマホ着信には通常のインターネット経由のPUSH着信が利用できないため、注意が必要になります。(現状はAndroidの一部の端末でサポートしています。) D. ハイブリットPBX オンプレミスのPBXの特徴と、クラウドPBXの特徴の2つの兼ね備えたモデルになります。コスト的には、両方のモデルを合計したコストが発生しますが、災害時などに強く、公衆電話網やインターネットが利用できない場合でも社内ネットワーク内では通話を確保できるため、BCP対策として期待されています。 E. BCP対策PBX [C]の閉域オンプレミスのPBXに Starlinkなどの衛星インターネット接続 を使ってBCP対策に活用できます。 現在(2024.2月現在)のサービス仕様ではStarlinkは使用していないときは月額料金はかかりません。アンテナの初期費用だけはかかりますが、万一のときにアンテナの使用を開始することができれば、BCP対策として安価で導入できるシステムとなります。 可搬型PBXの場合 ソリューションのご提案 ​ アプリ連携編 ​F. +電話帳Cloud 会社の共有連絡先や、部署ごとに共有する連絡先をクラウド上に持ち、通話イベントごとに電話番号から、名前、会社名などの連絡先情報を自動検索して各端末に表示するサービスです。共有する連絡先データはWEBからCSVファイルなどで簡単にインポート可能です。AGEphoneCloudと組み合わせて使うことができ、着信時に相手の名前をPUSH通知などで受け取れることができます。 ​G. +受付電話Cloud AGEphone Cloudにプラスで便利な受付電話アプリ。必要なのはiPadとこのアプリだけ。クラウドPBXと連携することで外出中のAGEphone Cloudから来客応答が可能です。 もっと詳しく ​H. +Timestamp Cloud 勤怠管理にも使えるクラウド連携型打刻アプリ。SLACKやGoogle Spreadsheetなどにも標準対応し、打刻を契機にCloud連携します。PUSH通知などで設定しておいたスマホにも配信可能。またAGEphoneとの連携機能ともあるため、打刻された項目をタップするだけで内線呼び出しができます。 もっと詳しく ソリューションのご提案 ​ インテグレーション編 ​P. +PUSHサービス 通知機能を持たないIP-PBXやSIPサーバに通知機能をもたせるサービスです。IP-PBXやSIPサーバに、代理のREGISTERを行い、通話イベントの中継を行います。これによりスマホなどで着信を受けるために必要なPUSHでの着信が、IP-PBXなどの改修を行うことなく対応することができます。 なお、通話に関するパケットは取り扱わずトランスコーディングを行わないため、通話品質を劣化させずに導入いただけます。 もっと詳しく

  • +PUSH Service | ageet Corporation

    プラス プッシュサービス + PUS H Se rvice Designed for PBX Business Operators Convenient for IP-PBX Compatible with Incoming Push Calls on Smartphones Great Results When Used with Asterisk (SIP/UDP,TCP,TLS) ※2 Currently, the only officially supported application is AGEphone Cloud (iOS/Android). No Change to Your Existing PBX The +Push service is a service that allows a virtual phone application to reside on the cloud (installed in a domestic region), and delivers push notifications to pre-registered smartphones each time the virtual application receives an incoming call. Supports PUSH Incoming Calls Since smartphones are required to save power, it is necessary to devise ways to not consume power when sending incoming notifications to smartphone apps in standby mode. This is achieved by the mechanism called PUSH notification, which is provided in the OS of smartphones. In order to use this mechanism, it was necessary for the PBX side to send incoming notifications to the smartphone, and it was necessary to modify the PBX side. However, by using this service, there is no need to modify the PBX side (※ 1). The service will be provided by a monthly billing model with a price plan set for each SMALL, STANDARD, LARGE, and XLARGE plan depending on the numb er of simultaneous connections (number of virtual phone applications). Currently, it is a plan that you use for each PBX. In the future, we plan to offer a multi-tenant version that supports multiple PBXs with one contract. For detailed conditions, please contact us below. ※1 Asterisk is used for the PBX currently being tested for operation. Please inquire about support for other products. inquiry

  • サービス | SIP/VoIPコンサル | ageet Corporation

    AGEphone Cloud Over 15,000 corporate introductions!! Over 200,000 active user accounts!! ビジネス環境は日々、予測困難な局面を迎えています。日本の多くの企業がグローバル企業が作るな汎用製品に頼っていますが、その選択が本当に最適なのでしょうか。為替の変動、国家の情勢、ソフトウェアの供給体系の変更など、外部の不確実性は業務の持続性や連続性を危うくさせる可能性があります。 そこで注目すべきが、株式会社ageetの「Made in Japan」の音声通信技術です。この国内開発の技術は、日本のビジネス環境にピッタリと合わせられており、国産であることが様々なリスクを低減しています。 それが「なぜageetの技術を選ぶべきか」の大きな理由となり、安心と信頼の中で、皆様のビジネスをしっかりとサポートします。そして、ageetと共に、末永くビジネスの質と効率を向上させるお手伝いをさせていただきます。 Current and previous customers Link, Brisys BIZTEL(Windows application) Since 2006, ageet's SIP/VoIP technology has been adopted. BIZTEL is a system that enables the easy and speedy construction of a full-fledged call center and realizes comfortable center management. Enables operators to work from home ​NTT East, NTT West Mobile extension adapter MB510 From 2020. Catch calls from customers without missing them. You can accept a call to your company's phone number on your smartphone while you are away from home. Also, by registering in the phone book on your smartphone, you can display the other party's name when receiving a call. Smooth call handling even in telework You can make extension calls using extension numbers between your office phone and your smartphone. Incoming calls from business partners received at the office can be forwarded to smartphones simply by dialing the extension number of employees who are teleworking, contributing to the realization of smooth business collaboration. ​NextGen Smartphone extension solution From 2020. We started offering a "smartphone extension solution" that can be linked with existing telephone equipment. This solution facilitates the promotion of work style reforms and the easy realization of "smartphone extension", which is in high demand as a solution that leads to the reduction of communication costs. IWATSU Frespec-s From 2022. By installing a dedicated app that works with Frespec-s on your smartphone, you can add the function of a "company extension phone". Perfect for telework! mobile phone/smartphone Call your company number from anywhere By going through Frespec-s, you can notify the company's phone number and make a call. It is a mobile cooperation function that is compatible with not only smartphones but also mobile phones, with simplified functions compared to extensions. 岩崎通信機様がAGEphone Cloudを出展 最近、弊社製品の「AGEphone Cloud」の実績が注目を集めています。 このたび、岩崎通信機が出展した展示会でも、当製品が注目されました。 今回の主な出展目的は、サンテレホン様を通じて新規販売店様に「AGEphone Cloud」の優れた特徴とスマホ連携した「Frespec」の拡販をアピールすることでした。 特に注目を集めたポイントは以下の通りです 直感的な操作性:AGEphoneBussines4のショートカットキーがFrespecの多機能電話機と似ており、使いやすさを実感できる点。 通話録音の便利さ:外出先の多いスマホユーザーにとって、通話録音を自分の端末に保存して後から聞き返せる機能は非常に魅力的。 多様な環境での対応力:4G環境だけでなくWiFi環境でも使用できる点は、多くの販売店様からの高い興味を引き出しました。 国産の信頼と安心:日本の会社であるアギートが提供するアプリという点で、安心感を持って受け入れてもらえました。また、ハイブリッドなシステム構成でオンプレのFrespecのサービス機能を生かすことも、多くの好反応を得ました。 技術コンサルティング ageetでは品質と専門性を重視し、ソフトフォンの領域での長年の経験を活かしたコンサルティングを行います。私たちの技術チームは、業界歴10年以上の優秀な技術者ばかりです。お客様のビジネスニーズに真摯に対応し、あらゆる問題を解決します。我々の熱意と専門性を信じ、一緒にビジネスの新たな可能性を開拓しませんか? ageetでは品質と専門性を重視し、ソフトフォンの領域での長年の経験を活かしたコンサルティングを行います。私たちの技術チームは、業界歴10年以上の優秀な技術者ばかりです。お客様のビジネスニーズに真摯に対応し、あらゆる問題を解決します。我々の熱意と専門性を信じ、一緒にビジネスの新たな可能性を開拓しませんか? コンサル案件、実績紹介 Let's Telework Customer Testimonials Our "Smartphone de Hikari Denwa" uses a SIP application as a handset for Hikari Denwa. You can make and receive Hikari Denwa calls with your smartphone from home, and you can make Hikari Denwa calls from your iPhone or smartphone's address book. The app AGEphone is compatible with both NTT East and NTT West, but ageet, who developed the app, must have had a lot of trouble. As the quality of optical telephones is already high, high quality software is also required. NTT also tested 130 items for 20 days with a very small delay of 150msec (for example, 500msec for mobile phones). It is also important to support additional services, so we had them develop the app while checking each one. NTT West Japan Since the quality of optical telephones is high, high quality software was required. Mr. Agito, who developed the app, must have had a very hard time. ​ ​ NTT Advanced Technology For emergency use in the event of a disaster, we needed a calling app that anyone could use easily and immediately. Our portable IP communication system "Portable IP-PBX" is a communication device that can secure extension communication means within the area using Wi-Fi even when mobile phones and landline phones cannot be used in the event of a disaster. . It has a web portal that allows you to download an app for calling over your local Wi-Fi network even if you don't have an internet connection. By accessing the web portal screen using your smartphone, you can download and install "AGEphone Cloud" in a very simple procedure, and immediately start making calls using "Portable IP-PBX". With the cooperation of ageet, the system has become a system that operates more stably and can be useful for securing communication at evacuation centers in the event of a disaster. Fukuoka City Transportation Bureau When switching from PHS to smartphones, we needed a call app that was highly versatile and could operate stably. AGEphone was proposed by the vendor as a highly versatile and stable calling application. ​ Speed dials can be selected from a list view, making it easier to call frequently called locations. Also, since the call history has been replaced from the PHS to the smartphone, it is now possible to check it easily. Fukuoka City Transportation Bureau When switching from PHS to smartphones, we needed a call app that was highly versatile and could operate stably. AGEphone was proposed by the vendor as a highly versatile and stable calling application. ​ Speed dials can be selected from a list view, making it easier to call frequently called locations. Also, since the call history has been replaced from the PHS to the smartphone, it is now possible to check it easily.

  • お問い合わせ | OEMソフトフォン | ageet Corporation

    Please use the form below for various inquiries such as how to purchase and use our products, requests for softphone development to our company, and employment requests. A representative will contact you within 5 business days. ​ Customers using mobile extension adapters (MB500/MB510) We are not the point of contact for inquiries, so please contact the adapter construction company or retailer. FAQ Initial Setting Method *We may not be able to reply due to an error in the e-mail address. Please check the input contents carefully before sending. *If you do not hear from us within 5 business days, there is a high possibility that your email has been blocked by a spam filter, so please check your email system and send the email again. *Please note that if you are using an email address such as DDNS, you may not receive the email sent from the support center. ​*We only accept inquiries by email. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. ◆Business hours: 9:00-18:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)​

  • テレワーク | ageet Corporation

    Telework with mobile extension Let's get started "Telephone" for everyone who uses the business scene AGEphone Cloud for iOS / iPadOS / Android / Windows First appearance of Windows and MacOS versions!! Download "Easy installation" with QR code Advanced security There is a PC version application PUSH Incoming call support Voice encryption Equipped with in-app recording as standard No trace remains in device standard history or contacts To Special Site Smartphone Extension Realized Works with existing telephone equipment. Promote telework and reduce communication costs at the same time Easily realize "extension of smartphones". Two optional apps Strongly promote BYOD * * Business use of smartphones owned by individuals + Phonebook Cloud for iOS / iPadOS / Android WEB phone book that can be managed collectively in the cloud Company sharing, intra-group sharing, private and viewing permissions can be set. Since it can be linked to the extension number of AGEphone Cloud, it is possible to display the name when receiving a call if it is registered in the cloud, even if there is no contact registration on the main unit. Furthermore, since no data remains in the contact information of the terminal, you can use it with confidence on your smartphone as BYOD. + Phonebook Cloud for iOS / iPadOS / Android WEB phone book that can be managed collectively in the cloud Company sharing, intra-group sharing, private and viewing permissions can be set. Since it can be linked to the extension number of AGEphone Cloud, it is possible to display the name when receiving a call if it is registered in the cloud, even if there is no contact registration on the main unit. Furthermore, since no data remains in the contact information of the terminal, you can use it with confidence on your smartphone as BYOD. Portable IP calling system for disasters Install the app just in case It has been selected as an official app that can secure calls within the area using Wi-Fi even when mobile phones and landlines cannot be used in the event of a disaster. Since you can make calls using your smartphone anywhere in the Wi-Fi area, you do not have to wait for your turn in front of the phone, which helps to avoid three squeeze and contact. For more information, please see this page . Also for schools and cram schools! It is also useful as an online lesson using a tablet and as a tool for faculty and staff.

  • AGEphone | テレワーク | ageet Corporation

    To Special Site For commercial use such as telework, please see the AGEphone special site for companies. Introduced on TOKYO MX TV's information program "Eejanaika Biz". AGEphone Official recommended application for NTT West and NTT East AGEphone can be connected to the home gateway of Hikari Denwa devices compatible with FLET'S Hikari Next provided by NTT West and NTT East. ​ ​By connecting to the home gateway, you can use it as a handset of IEDEN. ​ The AGEphone series has passed the connection verification test conducted by NTT West Japan in March 2011 to support Hikari Denwa. ​ "FLET'S Hikari Next" and "Hikari Denwa" are trademarks of NTT West and NTT East. NTT West NTT East Windows and MacOS versions now available! ! To Special Site Download Please read the precautions and restrictions before use. VoIP communication (voice over internet protocol communication) may be restricted by your provider. Some service providers may restrict VoIP communication (voice over internet protocol communication). It is recommended that you check with your service provider before using this product. This product is not for commercial use. Please use AGEphone Business or AGEphone Cloud for commercial use. The on-hold function of this product does not work if RFC2327 or RFC3264 is not supported. DTMF is also supported, but may not work properly if the DTMF type is different. Please be careful not to forget to disconnect after you finish using Hikari Denwa from your smartphone. A third party may be able to intercept radio waves that reach over walls and other obstacles. Please make security settings at your own risk and discretion. Please note that we are not responsible for any malfunctions or problems caused by downloading, setting, or operating the application software for using Hikari Denwa with your smartphone. The transfer function is a paid function. The call forwarding function is a paid function. Please make sure that your IP phone service (server) supports the REFER method before purchasing the paid feature. If it does not meet this requirement, it will not work. Ad-free function is a paid feature. The volume of incoming calls may be low. When answering an incoming call, the phone may be silent for a few seconds. When answering an incoming call to the standard phone application during a call, the speaker may switch to the external speaker, but this can be resolved by switching the external speaker on or off. Noise may be heard when answering an incoming call. For other limitations of AGEphone series products, please also refer to this page. for Windows無償版 Download Change Log Manual Initial Setting Method macOS版はこちら for iPhone 無償版 for Android無償版 Download Download Manual Manual Limitations Copyright information 制限事項 Confirmed operation The models for which operation has been confirmed by our company are listed. Models not listed may also work. iPhone version operation confirmed models (officially supported OS: iOS15.x to iOS16.x) *As of March 22, 2023 Android version operation confirmed models (officially supported OS: Android 9-12) *As of March 22, 2023 About Trademarks Registered Trademarks or Trademarks ”AGEphone” is a registered trademark of ageet Corporation. Other product and service names on this site are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

  • +Timestamp Cloud | ageet Corporation

    +Timestamp Plus Timestamp Let's stamp together! Convenient to add to AGEphone Cloud Time Recorder This application can be used by itself without AGEphone. iPhone / iPadOS / macOS Compatible with iPhone, iPad, Mac with Apple Silicon Share with your friends Full reporting functionality Real-time cloud integration In +Timestamp Cloud is an advanced imprinting application suitable for both your life and work. It records "when," "who," "where," and "what" in the cloud. This makes it possible to use it in a wide variety of situations, such as attendance management, tracking children going out and coming home, or safety confirmation. Out Coming Soon Free for up to 3 simultaneous users ■Main Features Integration with iCloud, Slack, and Google Spread Sheet: Information can be shared in real time by combining with various platforms. Photo: A photo of the user's face can be taken at the time of imprinting, allowing evidence to be left behind. In addition, the system can detect smiles and link to physical condition information. Physical condition management function: This function supports the safety consideration obligation stipulated in the Labor Contract Law. Graph output: Visualizes overtime, tardiness, and early dismissal information, allowing users to understand the total results at a glance. PDF Export: Export attendance records in PDF format. Calling function: Calling function via IP phone is available in conjunction with AGEphone Cloud. CSV import/export: Data can be exchanged. Today's message function: Deliver daily messages in conjunction with external RSS feeds and Google Spread Sheet. Fine-grained privacy settings: individual privacy settings, such as whether or not to collect photos and location information, can be set. With all these features, +Timestamp Cloud supports your life and business. The service is available free of charge for groups of up to 3 people. Privacy Policy

  • 技術コンサルティング | ageet Corporation

    Technical Consulting​Case Study Implemented company: Tobira Systems Co., Ltd. (TSE Prime) Tobira Systems Co., Ltd. is a company that aims to solve social issues with technology, with the philosophy of "becoming a door that connects our lives and our world to a better future." Utilizing the know-how cultivated through the development of the nuisance call filter "Tobiraphone", we are currently working on providing telephone services for corporations. Example points ageet provided technical consulting for Tobira Systems Co., Ltd. Ageet was recognized for its voice quality problem-solving capabilities in IP network communications, IP-PBX tuning expertise, and rapid development capabilities for ever-evolving smartphone platforms. Through consulting, it developed into a capital and business alliance, and the two companies formed mutual networks. It is expected to expand business opportunities by utilizing and utilizing resources. This case is a typical example of an IT venture company leveraging its technical expertise and organizational flexibility to provide value to a major IT company. We interviewed them about their thoughts behind this, how they solved problems through technical consulting, and how they led up to the capital and business alliance. Interviewees: (From the left in the photo) Mr. Matsubara, Mr. Fujii, and Mr. Setoguchi from the Engineering Department of Tobira Systems Co., Ltd. Please tell us about your business Mr. Matsubara: Tobira Systems is mainly engaged in blocking services for nuisance calls and special fraudulent calls for landlines and mobile phones. Block spam calls and alert users when they come in using our proprietary database. We also offer phishing scams and spam SMS blocking services. Our services are provided to customers through major telecommunications carriers and have over 15 million users overall. Utilizing the expertise in telephony that we have accumulated so far, we are currently developing telephony services for corporations. In the corporate product "Tobiraphone Biz", a device is installed between the PBX and the business phone, and it is used for blocking nuisance calls received by companies, call recording, centralized control of calls, etc. In addition, since 2020, we have been providing the cloud PBX service "Tobiraphone Cloud". As a result, you can install a dedicated app on your smartphone and use it as a corporate mobile phone. In-house first cloud PBX development, voice quality issues What kind of challenges did you face at the time? Mr. Matsubara: I had a problem with the cloud PBX service "Tobiraphone Cloud". At that time, it was our first attempt to develop a cloud PBX service, so many issues arose during the daily trial and error process. For example, there was a problem that there was a big difference in voice quality when compared with the call quality of mobile phones. In addition, when making a call in a specific environment, there was a problem of "one-way communication", in which the call was interrupted or the call could not be heard on one side. Since we do not have much know-how about cloud PBX development, we were initially skeptical as we proceeded with development. During the development process, we were worried about whether the codec we were using was appropriate, whether the call packets were handled properly, and so on. Is the issue resolved? Mr. Setoguchi: A diagnostic sheet was prepared during the consultation. Using the diagnosis sheet, we were able to isolate the environment in which the problem occurred. We actually got the log, analyzed it, and pursued the cause. Regarding one-way audio, I received a suggestion that using STUN might solve the problem. When I actually tried it, I was able to successfully solve the one-way call problem. In addition, regarding voice quality, we received various proposals on what parameters should be tuned from the perspective of both the application side and the IP-PBX side. It was difficult to improve it with a call engine made by another company, but the development of ageet's AGEphoneCloud-based call engine greatly improved voice quality. Commitment to domestic manufacturers and satisfaction with professional consulting Why did you choose ageet? Also, could you tell us the reason why you started with technical consulting at the beginning and then reached the capital and business alliance? Mr. Matsubara: When we had problems with voice quality when we released "Tobiraphone Cloud", we decided that it would be better to get the cooperation of a more specialized company to improve the quality, rather than trying to improve it on our own. In order to ensure a certain level of service quality, our company is particular about domestically produced services, so we thought that we would like to cooperate with domestic companies as much as possible for consulting. Among them, the name of ageet, a domestic company, was mentioned. I have long known that the company has a strong track record in the IP telephony industry, so I would like to take this opportunity to work with them. I was very satisfied with the actual consulting and cooperation in solving various problems. We were able to understand that they have accumulated know-how in the field of IP telephony over many years and that they can provide specialized consulting services. We have decided to form a capital and business alliance with you, hoping that you will continue to support our services technically in the future. As a company, we are happy to continue to have a deep relationship with you. thank you. Breaking through barriers to high-quality mobile phone services What are your future prospects? Mr. Fujii: Globally, the trend is for telephones to move to the cloud. The share of cloud PBX is larger than that of landline phones, but I think that the introduction of cloud PBX is not progressing well in Japan. I feel that this is due to the lack of awareness of cloud PBX in the market and the difficulty in using 0ABJ numbers for cloud PBX in Japan. Furthermore, I think that the tendency of Japanese people to prefer stable quality is also a barrier to the spread of cloud PBX. In the case of cloud PBX, as long as it goes through the Internet network, I feel that there are still issues with quality and reliability compared to general mobile phones. With ageet's technical support for Tobiraphone Cloud, we would like to aim to realize a high-quality mobile phone service that we can be proud of as "Japanese quality". We would like to provide better service, so please continue to support us. thank you very much. Product Services Case Studies

  • +Timestamp Cloud EULA | ageet Corporation

    +Timestamp Plus Timestamp Let's stamp together! Terms of Service Last updated: July 20, 2023 Please agree to the following terms of use before using +Timestamp Cloud. These Terms of Use are the terms and conditions for the use of all products and services (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provided by ageet, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). (Hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) and the Company. ​ ​ 1.Definitions ​ ・Software refers to our company's "+Timestamp Cloud" application program, connected server program, and a set of attached documents. ・Software copies refer to all or part of the software copied in a computer-readable form. ​ 2.Copyr ight ​ ・The Company grants the customer the right to download, install and use this software on any one device only during the period when the customer is using the "+Timestamp Cloud" app based on the terms of use. I agree. ​ 4.Disclaimer ​ ・We are not responsible for any problems caused by the use or inability to use this software. We are not responsible for any version upgrades or bugs. ・In any of the following cases, the Company may suspend the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the customer. 4-1. When performing system maintenance or repair 4-2. In the event that the Service cannot be provided due to force majeure such as an unexpected accident, natural disaster, war, riot, labor dispute, etc. 4-3. In the event of a system failure or concentrated load on the system 4-4. In addition to the cases stipulated in the preceding paragraph, when the Company reasonably determines that it is necessary ​ 5.Upgrading ​ ・The customer may only use the upgraded product in accordance with the terms of this agreement. If the Software is upgraded, the Customer may use the upgraded product by paying the upgrade fee separately determined by the Company or by obtaining the upgrade license from the Company. 6.Prohibitions ​ ・The customer cannot transfer, lend, or sublicense this software to a third party. In addition, the status under this contract cannot be transferred. ・Based on this agreement, the customer may not copy, modify, change, or digitize all or part of this software. ・You must not create, transfer, sell, or sublease secondary works of this software. In addition, you may not use this software on a network beyond the scope of personal use. ・Customers may not reverse engineer this software or use it in a manner not described in the operation manual. 7.Collecting Error Reports ​ ・In the event of a failure, the software product may send an error report to the Company and affiliated companies entrusted by the Company. The error report contains information about the problem, device information, and the application log just before the problem occurred. Our company and affiliated companies entrusted by our company will use this information for the purpose of solving and correcting this problem, and will not use it for any other purpose. 8.Conclusion of Contract ​ ・This agreement will take effect from the date the customer downloads the software. 9.Termination of Contract ​ ・If the customer violates any of this agreement, our company may terminate this agreement without prior notice, and the customer will promptly return the software to our company at the customer's expense. In addition, the customer can change the return to us by erasing the software. 10.Other ​ ・This product is subject to change without notice for improvement. ・ Matters not stipulated in this software license agreement shall be subject to copyright law and related laws and regulations. ・In the event of any dispute regarding this Software License Agreement, the Kyoto District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of the first instance.

  • Initial setting method of AGEphone | ageet Corporation

    Initial setting method of AGEphone You need to enter the setting values to use other than ”Smartphone de Hikari Denwa” "Smartphone de Hikari Denwa" has a dedicated mechanism to automatically read the setting information, but if you want to use other phone services, you need to manually enter the setting values. Setup steps When using an IP phone provided by an Internet connection provider, there are items that need to be set in addition to the SIP account. Please check the settings below. Session timer OFF STUN valid Symmetric response OFF PCMU only DTMF is INBAND Session timer OFF ​ Set the session timer to off. Symmetric response OFF Set symmetric response to off. DTMF is INBAND Set the DTMF setting to Inband. This setting switches the push tone format. PCMU only Set the codec to ON only for PCMU and set the slider to the maximum. For codecs other than PCMU, set both [Valid when connecting to 3G] and [Valid when connecting to WiFi] to OFF. STUN valid Set the NAT traversal setting to STUN and enter the address of the public STUN server. Click here for business apps

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